Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Art & Politics Broadsides: Critique Day

Please pay close attention to these details.

1. Print your broadside draft on 8.5" x 11" paper and tape it on the wall (eye-level please). Try to space them out evenly to avoid traffic jams.

2. Tape a blank sheet of paper next to it (this is for anonymous classmate comments).

3. Spend about half an hour viewing and commenting on each of the broadsides, including yours. Talk with your classmates about the texts and how they interact with their images.

4. What could the writer/artist do to improve their broadside for Thursday's final version? 
Be specific.

After a short break, we will reconvene and each student will talk briefly about their concept and what they need to do to make their broadside better (both in terms of design and language).

Lastly, remember that you do not need to print out your broadside for Thursday's class, but you do need to upload it to Populi no later than the start of class.

Questions?   csmith@dcad.edu

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