Thursday, February 6, 2020

Plant Life in the City: Deadline TOMORROW, February 7

Students planning to submit an application for the Plant Life in the City Fellowship have until tomorrow to complete all the steps. This is not a class requirement, but...

You can't win if you don't play...
You can't score if you don't shoot...
Please give it a try. 
You literally have nothing to lose.

Make sure you proofread (yet again) all of your documents before submitting them. We completed both elements of Section 3 in class (statement & resume). Sections 1 and 4 are very straightforward and don't require outside work. Section 2, the images and descriptions, will take a little bit of time. Forward your questions to JaQuanne at

Outline of Sections
Section 1: Artist Information (Email, Name, and Phone Number)

Section 2: Art Images and Descriptions
- Upload 5 images
- Description for each piece should include image file name, title of artwork, medium, dimensions, and brief statement

Section 3: Artist CV/Resume and Statement
- Artist CV/Resume - Submit an outline of your education, exhibitions, and experience in the art field.
- Artist Statement - In 300 words or less, describe your work as an artist and philosophy. Describe your interest in the environment and/or environmental justice, and why you would like to participate in this fellowship.

Section 4: Participation Agreement
- Acknowledgment for field trips on February 22, 2020
- Acknowledgment for artist check-in on March 21, 2020

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Last Words

Here we are. This is the last time we will meet together. I'd like to thank each of you for a rewarding semester of teaching. I hope eve...