Thursday, April 16, 2020

MLA for Dummies

I've searched the internet for the best instructional video that breaks down the basics for using MLA style in a typical college academic essay. This was the best video I found. It's about twenty minutes long, but genuinely informative and as engaging as possible given the subject matter. Yes, it's somewhat tedious. I know that. And, yes, it seems like a minor concern compared to the actual "content" of the ideas that are the centerpiece of any worthwhile scholarly work. However, the hard truth of the matter is that MLA format is the "Lingua Franca" (common language) of American higher education. Even if you don't continue on to a BFA or BA program, your place of employment might have a different standardized format for all work-related writing. For you to be successful in that environment, you'll have to learn that language. This makes sense, doesn't it? It's just the truth, not an opinion. 

Your final essay will use in-text (parenthetical) citations, and it will include a final page with the words "Works Cited" centered at the top, and at least three sources (primary and/or secondary) with full and correct entries. If you watch the video above and take notes, you will get it right. You might have to watch it twice, but it's a finite thing. 

If you want to check with me and ask if you're "doing it right", send me an email message with your document attached:

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