One feature of academic conferences, especially in the sciences and social sciences, is the "Poster Session." Here are some examples from undergraduates at the University of Texas. Ours won't look anything like these text-heavy posters.
Your PDF poster will be a much simpler affair:
1. Title: (optional)
2. One Image: You can make your own or you can use someone else's as long as it's credited in a caption line.
3. One verbatim (word-for-word) quotation from another scholar that sums up your position on your chosen topic: Appropriation in Art, Censorship, or Artificial Intelligence. Remember to cite your quotation in MLA style at the foot of your poster. The quotation should be fewer than 50 words.
That's it. Combine the image and the quotation in a compelling and artful way. Remember all that you've learned in FN year. You can think of your poster as a single slide in a Powerpoint type of presentation.
Do not include your name, date, or other "standard" features of typical academic submissions.
Due: Monday, May 1 (section 2); Tuesday, May 2 (sections 1, 3, and 4).
Each student will briefly "present" their poster on the day they're due. This will only take a minute or two per student.
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