1. Choose one artist or collective represented in the 2024 Whitney Biennial. Here's the list. Explore all of your options. Make a list of your top 5.
2. After you've chosen your artist, choose one work to focus on. This work does not have to be in the current Whitney Biennial. Search online for other works. Search for other texts about these artists.
3. Capture a good screengrab of your chosen work. Write a caption for it.
4. Write one or two paragraphs that introduces the work and the maker. Who made it? Write a one or two-sentence bio. What does this artist specialize in? Describe his/her/their practice. Give a close reading (formal analysis) of the piece. Describe it carefully and closely. Lastly, what does it mean? Why does it matter? This is the most important part of your catalog entry.
5. Do not use slang or the "I" voice (first person) for this assignment.
Examples of past DCAD student catalog entries are available on the Files tab of our Populi page.
DUE: Monday, March 25. Upload before class starts.
Questions: csmith@dcad.edu.
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