Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Why Art?

Why Art?
Why Look at Art?

These two short words (only six letters altogether) form a complex and difficult-to-answer question. Humans have made art for all of recorded history. In fact, the earliest recorded history is itself art. You are studying this in AH1 with Penni.

For this free-writing exercise (five minutes of furious scribbling) explore your inner ideas, thoughts, and emotions. Try to answer the question, "Why Art?" Maybe it's a question that can never be definitively answered as such, but only addressed or glimpsed from your particular subject position at this particular time in your life.

Use the results from this free-writing activity as a tool (notes) for drafting your essay that is due in 48 hours. I like how the writer separated the question into three parts: Work, Language, Value.

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